conferencia general

Conference was great. We watched it from the church here. (I was about to say stake center but it’s the only church building in Cuauhtemoc.) We barely made it in time for the first session (for all the make up and hairstyling). Oh and I forgot to mention I’M IN A TRIO AGAIN, but it is only temporary. This Sunday hay cambios, In these cambios various sisters are going to finish their missions including the first group of American sisters (aka my trainer Hermana God.) I don’t remember if I mentioned that we live in an apartment with 2 other sisters but if I didn’t I have now. Well one of these sisters also finished her mission on Friday. But because we are so close to cambios her companion hasn’t recieved a new companion and won’t until the cambios. So we are with her and working in both areas. We are planning to do various divisions with members to be able to work in both area most days.

Anyway conference was great I learned so much and found many many answers even if they weren’t the ones I was expecting. The only part that was sad was when we lost the signal Sunday afternoon. We got there in time for the first talk (because we went to look for people) during the second or third talk the signal started cutting out in parts. Several people from the stake tried to hook up a computer stream to watch it from there instead of the satellite feed but it didn’t work with the sound. We only saw bits and pieces of the presiding Bishop, the Seventies, and Elder Anderson’s talks. When the people working with it finally announced that it would be better for everyone go to their homes and watch it online, and for the investigators, the missionaries would bring a disc copy to their houses to watch it with them. ¿que? bueno esta bien. We still haven’t been given the discs but I’m sure we will. I am going to print off the talks I missed (aka all of the womens session, priesthood, and Sunday afternoon) because it takes forever to get the conference Liahonas.

Q (Mom): That’s too bad about Sunday afternoon because two of the talks were en español in that session. Do you want me to start subscription to the Liahona en español for you?

That would be great to have Liahonas in español. Just make sure to subscribe to the Mexico area ones. I did notice that two talks were in Spanish, from the parts when we did have signal. I just couldn’t understand the point of their message.

Q (Mom): When I look at Liahona subscriptions it only says Spanish language, there is no option for Mexico. Maybe you have to have a Mexican address.

Maybe, all I know is that the ones we get, on the inside part it only talks about things in Mexico and has messages from the area authorities here in Mexico. And knowing about things that happen in Argentina, or Guatemala would be cool but not the same.

Oh and I did get the package. Also thank you for the conejo de chocolate. I always say that last year Easter didn’t come because I never ate a chocolate rabbit. (Not that it’s your fault I didn’t eat one just because they don’t exist in Mexico). So this is me in four colors,


and Elder Rey. making a face.


Q (Dad):  WARNING – I am about to talk about when you get home – DON’T GET TOO DISTRACTED, AND FINISH YOUR MISSION STRONG! You are learning first hand a little about enduring to the end. Otherwise we are gearing up for the end of the semester and making our preparations for our trip together.

I promise I’ll try really hard not to be distracted. Although conference helped a lot with that.

bueno. I love the whole plan about Canada and the cruise and Disneyland. I always thought that it would be best to leave on Friday to Canada and spend the weekend there. I don’t really have a preference as to how much time we spend there. It could be a little or it could be a lot. Although I was thinking of going to visit the University of Lethbridge.
hasta ver
Hermana Whitehead

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